Rapidlink PowerCAN


The RapidLink PowerCAN offers 8 USB ports sensor and actuator I/O with integrated system power distribution. Unleash your creative power

  • 7x USB Type-C Outputs and Inputs

  • 8x 5V Servo Output Connections which allow for standard servo or jumper wire connections

  • ESP32 WROOM Microcontroller for fast dual core processing

  • 1 USB Type-C Port for programming

  • Integrated CAN Bus networking through USB Type-C Ports for daisy chaining and network connection

  • Integrated UART daisy chaining with CAN BUS USB Type-C Ports

  • Up to 30V power distribution I/O section for XT-30 connectors

  • Integrated 5V buck converter for board power from high voltage power distribution

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The RapidLink PowerCAN offers 8 USB ports sensor and actuator I/O with integrated system power distribution. Unleash your creative power

  • 7x USB Type-C Outputs and Inputs

  • 8x 5V Servo Output Connections which allow for standard servo or jumper wire connections

  • ESP32 WROOM Microcontroller for fast dual core processing

  • 1 USB Type-C Port for programming

  • Integrated CAN Bus networking through USB Type-C Ports for daisy chaining and network connection

  • Integrated UART daisy chaining with CAN BUS USB Type-C Ports

  • Up to 30V power distribution I/O section for XT-30 connectors

  • Integrated 5V buck converter for board power from high voltage power distribution

The RapidLink PowerCAN offers 8 USB ports sensor and actuator I/O with integrated system power distribution. Unleash your creative power

  • 7x USB Type-C Outputs and Inputs

  • 8x 5V Servo Output Connections which allow for standard servo or jumper wire connections

  • ESP32 WROOM Microcontroller for fast dual core processing

  • 1 USB Type-C Port for programming

  • Integrated CAN Bus networking through USB Type-C Ports for daisy chaining and network connection

  • Integrated UART daisy chaining with CAN BUS USB Type-C Ports

  • Up to 30V power distribution I/O section for XT-30 connectors

  • Integrated 5V buck converter for board power from high voltage power distribution