RapidLink V1
The RapidLink V1 offers 10 USB ports for control sensors and actuators easily and securely
9 USB Type-C Outputs and Inputs
12 Servo Output Connections which allow for standard servo or jumper wire connections
ESP32 WROOM Microcontroller for fast dual core processing
1 USB Type-C Port for programming
The RapidLink V1 offers 10 USB ports for control sensors and actuators easily and securely
9 USB Type-C Outputs and Inputs
12 Servo Output Connections which allow for standard servo or jumper wire connections
ESP32 WROOM Microcontroller for fast dual core processing
1 USB Type-C Port for programming
The RapidLink V1 offers 10 USB ports for control sensors and actuators easily and securely
9 USB Type-C Outputs and Inputs
12 Servo Output Connections which allow for standard servo or jumper wire connections
ESP32 WROOM Microcontroller for fast dual core processing
1 USB Type-C Port for programming